Well it's time for the Super Bowl and although I know there are a lot of Viking fan's that are disappointed I think it will be a good game. I want to write a little on the Pro-Bowl. The question I have is what the heck were they thinking putting the Pro-Bowl a week in front of the big game. You know the reason had something to do with sagging ratings with the telecast and a game that really doesn't mean anything to either the fans or the players. I think that Major League Baseball has done a great job making the All star Game a game that the players want to win with the home field advantage in the World Series thing. Why not make the Pro-Bowl similar with contract incentives for the players. Incentives to not only play in the game but play hard and make it a game worth watching. The concept of an all-star game for pro football is a good one. The problem lies in that the game is played after the season is over and the Champions have been crowned. The Super Bowl is the most watched event on TV, and people are tired of football after the game has been played. Why not make it a mid-season game like The All star game in baseball then you won't have players backing out of the game because they are playing in the Super Bowl. It would give a big boost to the fan of the game when the season seems to be getting a little long and it would give the players a chance to have a break if they didn't make the Pro-Bowl. The All star game in baseball is perfect in the way it is set up and The NFL could learn from it. I have heard from so many people that have said they won't even watch the game because of the lack of talent. I think it's time to rethink things but sometimes rethinking can back fire on you. I think the Pro-Bowl this year is going to back fire on the NFL.
With that said everyone enjoy the game and good luck to the Saints and Colts the following weekend. Remember if you are going to a Super Bowl Party be careful and above all be safe.
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