It's getting close to fishing tournament season here on the Old Muddy. This past weekend the Cabella's Regional Walleye fishing tournament was held here in Mobridge and these guys earned anything they may have won. They all converged on Mobridge early in the week and started their pre-fishing in some of the roughest weather so far this spring. They thought they knew where to go to catch the illusive Walleye but on Saturday the winds calmed, the sun came out and it was like night and day compared to their pre-fishing. I wondered if a lot of the fishermen thought to themselves that the pre-fishing was a waist of time, but alas Sunday the wind, the cold the same conditions of the previous week and the fish that were not hanging out in the bays or the fish that where not being finicky where caught and the winning weight was a surprise to a lot of people around this area. It will be a very interesting season for tournament fishermen this year because of the lake levels and the large amount of bait fish that ran this spring. However it turns out I think people will be glad to see the pros and armature fishermen competing this spring, summer and fall in the many tournaments around the area. I hope you all will take some time to go and watch the weigh-ins when they are in you town.
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