I just got back from another baseball trip to Minneapolis and I can report that I had a great time. First I recommend taking the train when ever possible when you go to a game. You can board at the Mall Of America and go early enough to walk around and have supper. I ate at Smally's 87 Club and if you are a Twin's fan then this is the place to eat. Lot's of memorabilia and Roy himself will pop in from time to time. My wife and I met Roy and he was a real nice guy. Afterward we decided to walk around the downtown area and then to the stadium. I know everyone has heard about Target Field, and how nice it is, but let me tell you all it is worth every penny to go there and see a game. We had excellent seats and to tell the truth un-like The Metrodome there really isn't a bad seat in the stadium. The games we saw were even better with the Twin's winning over Oakland on Sunday's game and then Tuesday nights eleven inning thriller culminating with Jim Thome hitting a two run walk off home run to beat the hated White Sox. Wow what a thrill I can honestly say we had a great time and I will look forward to our next trip.
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