Saturday, January 16, 2010

Darren Boyle's weekly words of wisdom the JCI day three.

As we expected, the White River Tigers won the Jones County Invitational for the fifth year. But it was a struggle for WR, they built a 20 plus point lead in the third quarter and appeared to be on their way before Lyman staged a major comeback. In fact the Raiders cut the lead to six before the Tigers pulled away for good.

Here is what we have figured out after three days of basketball. White River is a good as we thought,and they should be considered one of the top teams in class B. Since they were ranked #2 last week, I am not really going out on a limb with that statement.

Lyman is starting to really come together as a team. Their youngsters are becoming more experienced and they are on their way to becoming one of the favorites to win district 12A. Jones County has started to play some freshmen in their rotation and once they get some floortime they are are going to be alright. I think the Lyman vs. Jones County rivarly got renewed this weekend and its gonna be a good one for the next few years with all the freshmen and sophmortes playing big minutes now for both teams.

The team that suprised me the most was Philip, the Scotties are a team that is now 7-2, have big men who can run and finish, and right now have to be considered the favorite in District 14. Some of the players on Philip's team are from the Midland area and had to play varsity minutes as 7th graders during the last season at Midland High School. So this is their sixth season of high school basketball, and the experience shows.

All in all it was another good tournament, sure several of the games were lopsided especially on Thursday. But as the brackets shook out by Saturday we had four fairly competitive games. It is an annual January event and I was happy to be a part of it. I hope you enjoyed our coverage.

On the Viking front, Sunday's game should prove if I am right or wrong on the whole Farve deal and my final determination of who the real VSK is. Since I have been so vocal I wont be one to hide behind my computer screen when the game is over. Win or lose, I will blog tomorrow.

Anyone have some purple kool-aid?

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