Monday, August 24, 2009

Rod's Monday Ramblings 8/24/09

I am especially noting the plight of the Sioux Falls public schools and the increased cost of of doing their sports business in this day and age. The following story basically gags me.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - South Dakota schools are taking a hard look at travel costs for sporting events during the economic downturn. Schools often have to travel long distances for games. For example, the Sioux Falls School District will spend more than $40,000 this year to send its teams to play western opponents. The issue has stirred talk of a future "metro conference" that would include the Sioux Falls schools, Brandon Valley and Harrisburg. Harrisburg activities director Scott VanDerMillen says talks might happen as early as this year. The South Dakota High School Activities Association at its Sept. 3 meeting also expects to discuss raising ticket prices at state tournaments to generate more revenue. The recession also is affecting families and sports. Cindy Behm in Sioux Falls says she's been forced to limit her children to one sport each season to cut costs.

Oh boo hoo to the fact that the Sioux Falls school district will spend more than 40 thousand dollars this year to send it's teams to play western opponents. I don't see any of the western opponents, and in Sioux Falls terminology western opponents means anything west of I-29, complaining about how much it cost them. Pierre for instance would be down right giggly to get by on 40 thousand a year. Sioux Falls school district needs to buck up and find other ways to raise money. Selling names and information for $100 like they have been doing to outside interest may not be one of the prescribed ways granted. And don't cry to us when your football team only has to make 1 trip west and 3 of your "road games" are played on the same field that your "home" games are played on. And don't complain about what Pierre is doing with their sports marketing program in an effort to raise additional funds. As far as the "Metro Conference", Sioux Falls schools have complained for years after their old I-90 conference was forced to fold thanks to the South Dakota High School Activities Association. No more 70 mile road trips at the max to Sioux City. They have to make 1 long trip per year. Boo Hoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it is a fact of life, if you cry and complain and throw a tantrum long enough, you will get your way. The Sioux Falls schools have wanted the ESD to fold for a long time and they probably will see that wish come to fruitition. And then where will Pierre and Aberdeen be? Having to make multiple trips per year to Sioux Falls I bet with only minimal return contracts. As a matter of fact, the Sioux Falls School District should contact the Pierre Post 8 baseball board. That board would love to be able to get by a year with only a 40 thousand dollar travel budget.

And fnally, I hope the High School Activities Association understands that raising ticket prices, won't be the problem solved solution for their state events. Because I doubt that the hotel industry in Sioux Falls and Rapid City and Aberdeen and Brookings and Watertown and where ever else will feel the pain of fans and lower their prices for that 3 night stay. Could be good for South Dakota Public television and their internet though.


  1. Darren Boyle asks: Didnt we play girls basketball in the fall until the SF folks decided we shouldnt?

  2. As I recall, there was one volleyball player named Ashley Pederson from Sioux Falls that was the poster child for the season change. She did go on to be a stud for Penn State. That and the S.F. Roosevelt girls basketball team and their out of state tournaments they wanted to play when Fred Tibbetts was coaching them and they were never losing over a 4 or 5 year period. But as it turns out, it was going to happen sooner or later anyway, so it was less expensive (lawyers bills etc.) to change when they did. just ask the folks in Michigan. They found out figting it was anexpensive and losing battle or now win battle
