Thursday, October 1, 2009

Brian just don't understand....

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) - American Indian activists are calling on North Dakota's Board of Higher Education to drop the University of North Dakota's nickname and logo. They demonstrated on campus a day before a state board board meets to decide whether to extend an Oct. 1 deadline for dropping the Fighting Sioux nickname.

The last thing I want to do with this blog is start a controversy, but this is something I have never been able to fully understand - why the Fighting Sioux nickname is considered offensive to some. I want to be sensitive to the feelings of anyone that might be offended by this nickname and the debate that continues over it, but at this same time, this is why I stay in favor of the Fighting Sioux nickname.

If I ever had the opportunity to name a team, the one thing I would want most is to come up with a name that strikes a chord with the opposition - something that presents a facade of power and intimidation, something that makes the other team think twice about wanting to play our team. As an added bonus, if we can pick a name that has some historical significance to our geographical area, then that would only sweeten the deal. The thing is, the Fighting Sioux nickname is all of those things, and for those reasons, I just don't quite understand what is offensive about that nickname. If I were from North Dakota and had attended UND, those aspects would also go a long way in increasing the pride I would feel for being a Fighting Sioux alum.

I would really like to see some friendly response to this debate, especially from the activists' point of view. When the activists protest, what are the words they are actually saying? I am only looking for help in understanding the issue.

I know there are similar discussions going on in other parts of the country, but the UND debate seems to be the most visible, obviously. But I wonder, are there similar debates regarding the Fighting Illini in Illinois, or the Seminoles of Florida State, or maybe even the Aztecs of San Diego State? There is one thing I'm sure of - the "Fighting Sioux" is a much, MUCH cooler nickname than that other UND - the one they call the Fighting Irish. :o)


  1. I think the Fighting Sioux name shows strength, pride, and honor. Who wouldn't want to be honored by being represented by the Fighting Sioux?

    Who's to say what is offensive? Maybe I am offended by the Minnesota Golden Gophers. Gophers have rights too, don't they?

  2. And for the record, yes I was being sarcastic about the Gophers. :-)

  3. Amen brother. This shows honor and pride in our heritage and represents the region in which we live. We have a large, proud Native American population that this nickname represents. Being the Fighting Sioux is an honor and the people, who many years ago chose this name, did so in an honorable fashion. This debate is so tiring. So not necessary--in my OPINION!
    The Gophers comment rocks. Love the comparison
